Fundamentalism turns 100, a landmark for the Christian Right

The month of June was quite eventful on several fronts and none of them were positive for the LGBTQ+ Community in the U.S. I recently said this on another of my blogs but next year might be the last year June is nationally promoted as “Pride” month. After almost 20 years, most Christians in America–I mean on both sides of the political divide–are just done with seeing what the Bible clearly says is a sin being nationally and internationally promoted as something to be proud of every year. People are just DONE with that and it’s why there is a sharp political backlash to the LGBTQ+ lifestyle now.


Before I continue, I want to be clear about a few things most Christians would–and should–likely feel about those who are LGBTQ+:

  1. Most Christians would and should advocate for the basic civil liberties of anyone who is LGBTQ+. While I have not been seeing any faith leaders in North America calling for violence against people who are LGBTQ+, I want to make sure I say this first and foremost.
  2. Most Christians do not have a problem working with people who are LGBTQ+ or care that you want to identify as such as long as you keep that to yourself at work. It’s when they want to be open about their lifestyle and demand you “respect” it that most Christians would and should draw the line.
  3. Calling Homosexuality a sin is not hate speech. Period.
  4. Going with the above: “Hate the sin, not the sinner” does not mean “accept the sinner and don’t tell them it’s a sin”.
  5. You can be supportive of people who are LGBTQ+ without endorsing the lifestyle. As long as they know up front where you stand on the subject and you make it clear you will respect them as people, they will respect your boundaries. I have done this myself.

I want to make sure I say this because a growing number of outspoken charismatic evangelists and faith leaders are literally telling people they have a license to discriminate and persecute people who are LGBTQ+ if they’re Christians. This is what fueled a lot of the incidents at Target and other retail stores that sold LGBTQ+ “Pride” merchandise this past Spring and June. Target recently reported their 2nd quarter sales results publicly and they consider the largely Christian backlash to “Pride” month to be something of an economic boycott. No doubt they as well as other retailers large and small have taken note and will adjust accordingly.

Most Christians saw through the hypocrisy from the beginning but the rise of cancel culture 12 years ago forced most into silence. For those who might not know or remember, Cancel Culture was a mostly online movement used to identify and expose public figures that the law could not touch. People who may not have necessarily committed a crime but said or did something most would generally deem offensive or socially unacceptable either recently or years ago. People would publicly share what the person did or said online and in some cases contact their employer directly. That’s what being “Cancelled” means: Social and Financial penalties for those the law could not touch.

The problem is before long, people started taking things to excess and targeting became more politically driven. You literally had people with nothing better to do digging up someone’s past just to get them fired or socially embarrassed over a difference of opinion. It was very quickly weaponized against those who refused to fall in line with popular social views at the time. No discussion or debate was allowed. Just fall in line or stay silent if you don’t want to be accused of being “hateful”.

Unfortunately, one extreme was quickly exchanged for another after Trump became president. Now we are on the verge of this Cold Civil War in America turning into armed conflict. All in the span of about 12 years.


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All that said. There is no mistaking it and no avoiding it now: The political discourse in America has infested churches large and small nationwide across ALL Protestant denominations. It can no longer be denied and anyone saying their church hasn’t felt it yet is either not paying attention, are turning a blind eye, are ok with it or a combination of the three. I announced it here the other day but I am launching a new blog dedicated to educating people on the mass manipulation efforts in plain sight that is weaponizing protestant churches nationwide.

I am enlisting the help of people who are experts in undue influence as well as those who were manipulated but later broke free to help with this new blog. The name of the blog will be Bitter Realities. It will cover not just the political aspects but the religious aspects of these mass manipulation efforts that were decades in the making. I am making a separate blog that will focus entirely on educating people on how and why America’s Cold Civil War is soon going to turn into armed conflict.

It’s a matter of grave importance Protestant Christians in America because of the “Us vs. Them” attitude that’s been fomenting for quite some time between Christian Americans and American Athiests in particular. I’ll be blunt: The trusted voices who insist athiests and the LGBTQ+ community are the biggest threat to America are not only wrong but either know they’re wrong but are ignorant of what the Bible says all Christians need to be on guard for.

The Bible is clear on this: The greatest threat to all believers is not non-believers. It’s a ministry or person that mixes error and truth.

The reason there are so many Protestant denominations is because each one wants to follow their own interpretation of scripture. Each denomination has some truth but they also have some error. The SDA Church is no different. Adventists observe the right day of the week but it’s becoming obvious now that many Adventists in North America have adopted an unhealthy obsession with End Time Events in recent decades. It really is unfortunate many Adventists in North America have chosen to fixate on that and more so during this time in history.

I’ve said it on this blog a few times earlier this year and I’ll say it again now: The Second Coming cannot and will not happen within the generation of everyone alive right now. The signs are not in place and at this point it’s safe to say for sure they will not be anytime soon. I do agree with some theologians who’ve said this is a time of shaking for all denominations. Some are being shaken into the church and some are being shaken out. This is to say nothing of some being shaken into Fundamentalist Movements like the New Apostalic Reformation, IFB (Independent Fundamentalist Baptists) and the IBLP (Institute in Basic Life Principles) that are seizing poltical power in America through the Republican Party. It’s easy to see where this is going and armed conflict in America is just one of many problems to come.

Too many well-meaning Christians think turning America into a Theocracy is not only right but is God’s will. We’ve been down this road so many times over the last 1500 years and it doesn’t end well for the well-meaning Christians. Even those who know the dangers are secretly hoping to at least get a seat at the table of these hypothetical decision-makers. Instead of taking a stand for truth, they’ve made the calculation it’s best to keep their heads down, stay out of the way and don’t draw unwanted attention.

No, The Second Coming can’t and will not happen anytime soon. I know there are those who think they can force God’s hand by using nuclear weapons or other means to wipe out whole populations but God’s ways are not our ways. On that note. We’ve seeing a resurgance of antisemitism in America. What’s different this time is the anti-semetic rhetoric gone mainstream among the Republican Party in particular. I am even seeing some churches and ministries echoing anti-semetic conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality.

More so given technically Jesus himself was born a Jew. You literally can’t claim to love Jesus and be antisemetic or racist. It’s not Biblical.

All that said. I have other projects relevant to this blog that I’ve put off for quite a while that I need to work on. That’s another good reason to move this topic on undue influence to a separate blog. You’ll notice my username has changed to Lavon Samuel Davis. I decided to change it to that since part of my first name was in my previous username. I have been changing my username on various online platforms where I can mostly for privacy reasons on that note.


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