America Must Face Past to Solve Mass Shootings — Prison Journalism Project


I recently wrote an article about it on my blog about current events. I reccommend everyone read it before or after you finish reading this one. I said a lot of things in that article but one thing all Christians should be mindful of is the Bible speaks of. We’re definitely not in the End Times but one thing I can admit to is I may have been wrong about the National Sunday Law to come being at least two generations away. After a recent happening in Texas, that could come in the next generation or two to come. I’ll get to that development in a bit though.

The Bible does warn strife, conflict, violence and indifference toward human life would abound in these times. The Bible also makes it clear things will get worse. We’ve been seeing a breaking down of not just the American society but societies around the world in recent decades. More recently there’s been the conflicts in Ukraine, Sudan and Israel among other places. Even Japan, which has long been regarded as one of the safest modern countries in the world for decades has recently been dealing with some pretty scary situations in the last 10 months. This is going to come as a shock to those who live in Europe and North America but in Japan, it’s long been common to see preschool-aged children using public transportation unattended. Yes, really. Times are changing now even in Japan.

Most importantly, we are definitely not in End Times yet. This is a time of upheaval and shaking headlined by immorality, violence, racism, sexism and climate change. Speaking of. Anyone who reads just Matthew 24 and Luke 21 has no reason to doubt Climate Change being real. The Bible speaks of these things. One of the unfortunate realities of living in our world that the Bible is clear about is suffering is both guaranteed and to an extent should be expected by everyone who lives here. Past generations understood that but most of those alive right now–especially those in modernized nations–are getting what most of the world has been dealing with all this time.

Most Christians are quick to point out the decline in morality that’s been getting worse than it’s ever been lately is because people don’t know God, people are being told they’re basically here for no reason and more recently–especially our children–weather someone can be something other than male or female. Those points are all true but it’s also not helpful when Christians don’t set the example and ideal they want to see. A favorite past time of athiests and agnostics is to point to the fringe Christians or the ones being unkind and hateful. They have to ignore the overwhelming majority who do their best to live based on scripture because there’s way more of us than they want people to think. They want and need people to think most Christians are like most Republican politicians. Hypocrites in short.


Mass graves in Ukraine: Battered cities are digging makeshift burial sites - BBC News

That brings me to this.

On average, tens of thousands of people die around the world every day due to various causes. Natural disasters, crime, disease, famine, war or conflict and so on. Here’s the question for all Christians to think about: How many of them died in Christ? More importantly, how many of them had the opportunity to hear about Christ? I think it would be fair to say in both regards “Not enough”.

The sayings “Tomorrow is not promised” and “Treat each day as if it’s your last” have never been more appropriate right now. Not just for those who may die lost but those who may die saved. We have a mandate from Jesus himself to spread the gospel around the world. It’s an endeavor that has largely stalled in recent decades in western countries mostly due to politics and cultural upheaval. There is much work that needs to be done to say the least.

Every time I talk to someone who’s recently done missionary work–especially on the African continent, Latin America, Oceania and in the 10-40 window–they speak of the need to return as soon as possible. Return with more resources and more manpower. More than anything, just the need to maintain those connections and relationships. As much as I don’t like it personally, the world still looks to America as a moral guidepost. As America goes, so goes the world in many regards.



Texas Senate Approves Bill Requiring 10 Commandments in School – Rolling Stone

This is a subject I plan to go into a lot of detail on for various obvious reasons.

On Friday, the Texas Supreme Court upheld a legal challenge to legislation mandating the ten commandments be displayed in every classroom in public school in the state of Texas. The Texas state house has displayed the ten commandments on its ground for years. The Republican-majority State Congress pushed for this new legislation on the basis “America was founded as a Christian nation. We want our children to learn these values.” Texas governor Greg Abbott is expected to sign it into law.

This would have been unthinkable 20 years ago. On the surface, this likely looks like”returning the country to its roots” by older Christians in America because until about 50 years ago, Christian symbols and Bible Study were in public schools. The problem is the obvious political undertones most Christians either don’t see or are choosing to overlook. This is also why I said at the beginning we may see a National Sunday Law passed in America either in the next generation or the one after it.

The New Apostalic Reformation, Opus Dei and The Family–three Christian Fundamentalist movements seeking political power in America–seem to have recently entered an alliance with the Freedom Caucus as well as each other and are consolidating power. They are moving to push policymakers in mostly Republican majority-controlled states to pass legislation that will go beyond Abortion bans and restricting the LGBTQ+ Community’s influences that’s been dominating most Conservative-related politics lately. I’m talking turning states and counties into theocracies. This is just the beginning.

Before I forget. I feel the need to point out we already tried to legislate morality in America once before 100 years ago: The National Prohibition of Alcohol. It not only didn’t work but created new criminal enterprises. You criminalize abortion of any kind with no exceptions, you need to be willing to accept ALL the consequences including the unintended ones. I’m not talking about those who use abortion as birth control. I refer to those who have an unviable pregnancy and need to have the pregnancy terminated or the subject could die from complications otherwise. You absolutely need exceptions for cases like that.

As for the LGBTQ+ Community. It’s like I said in my blog on politics and current events. A lot of the progress they thought they had made over the last 17 years is being reversed mostly in Republican-majority states and counties. A growing number of female athletes who identify as female regardless of where they lean politically are also starting to openly and forcefully say they do not want to share their locker rooms with transgender women. The tide is starting to turn back in favor of science fact and truth. Churches are mobilizing to firmly but kindly guide their younger members to what the Bible says about this and other matters.

Now that churches have finally started to catch up in terms of proper messaging, they are moving to counter and hopefully reverse a lot of the LGBTQ+ community’s influences on young Christians. As some theologians have recently started to acknowledge, the reason the LGBTQ+ community has been aggressively seeking special status via legislation and ordinances is because Christians gave them special attention for so long. Now momentum is clearly starting to shift as a growing number of parents are starting to realize the LGBTQ+ community has many young people fooled into thinking there are more or less than two genders. It was one thing when the LGBTQ+ community joined the attacks on marriage 17 years ago. Now that they are working to convince young people and children the gender you’re born as doesn’t matter as much as what you feel you are, a growing number of parents and in some places lawmakers are finally taking a stand for truth and science fact.

Is Legislating Morality Biblical? - Christian Research Institute


Having said all that. I eluded to this earlier but there are unintended consequences to legislating morality the Bible warns of. Yes you should legislate and restrain immorality. That’s different. The problem is the rise of Christian Fundamentalism I’ve been talking about a lot lately.

The Bible makes it clear: The United States is the Second Beast Power.

It isn’t right now but the signs are obvious it’s slowly becoming what the Bible says it will be: A World Power that will use military force and political power at the direction of and benefit of the First Beast Power which is The Roman Catholic Church. We’ve been seeing a gradual alliance of convenience between the Republican Party and Christian Fundamentalist movements seeking political power. The Vatican, like Russia and other countries are WELL aware many Christians in America feel they are under siege by the LGBTQ+ community in particular in recent decades.

Pope Francis voicing support for Same Sex Marriage a few years ago, which shocked the Christian world was a calulated move. As a reminder, The Vatican is all about compromise and assimilation. Pope Francis, who is likely going to step down due to declining health in the near future is simply setting the table for whoever his successor is. Pope Francis built a lot of bridges with young people and more Progressive-minded politicians all over the world. He’s positioning The Vatican to broker an alliance of convenience with Progressive politicians and governments is all.

On a related note.

Let’s also not forget Pope Francis proposed a universal day of rest during the Pandemic as a way to help the environment. Guess which day he picked that Adventists in particular were not surprised by: Recognizing Sunday as an official holy day. I do think a push for that is likely a Pope or two away and more so with Civil War in America clearly fast approaching first. Like I just said, Pope Francis is simply setting the table for his successor who is likely going to be more conservative than him. We’ll have a better idea of things between 2035 and 2050. I do think by 2035, most of the LGBTQ+ Community’s influences around the world will be reversed or restrained. By 2050, we will likely see fewer political lines on maps due to countries merging or being annexed militarily.

…As a reminder, the Bible did it clear conflict between countries would abound so…yeah.

The next 25 years will be very interesting. Now would also be a good time for those who don’t have kids to get started on that. Those with kids should start preparing them for the next two decades. A lot is being said about the threat of Climate Change and anyone who is a Christian has no reason or need to doubt its validity. I’ll speak more to this and some technological advances including A.I. in a separate upcoming post.



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